healthcare jobs Tag

A significant treatment gap exists for individuals living with mental health and substance use conditions.In 2023, 55% of adults who experienced some form of mental illness didn’t receive treatment – and 60% of youth with major depression went without help. On a positive note, healthcare professionals...

The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Administrative Simplification Standard. It’s comprised of a unique, 10-digit standardized identification number that never expires or changes throughout a covered healthcare provider’s career. An NPI is different from a state license in...

Maybe you’ve heard about the perks of working locum tenens after your residency or fellowship, and it sounds like a pretty good gig. After all, what’s not to like about extra income, flexibility, variety, travel, and work/life balance. But you don’t know…what you don’t know, right?...

The staffing industry is known for exceptional relationship building, and this is particularly true with medical staffing and recruiting.   Placing candidates in mission-critical roles requires a personal relationship built on trust and mutual respect. Developing a personal relationship with your medical recruiter can have advantages at...